Case Study SDG 13:  Implementing ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gases Verification at Organisation Level to Move Towards Net Zero

SDG 13, “Climate Action,” is a critical worldwide initiative that targets not just climate change but also the impact of urbanisation via sustainable practices. SDG 13 strives to make the world more equal and resilient by promoting social inclusion and environmental harmony. The Paris Agreement aims to reduce global warming to far below 2 degrees Celsius and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius, emphasising the need to adopt climate action to safeguard vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

However, the recent news of G20 countries failing to achieve an agreement on decreasing fossil fuels underlines the hurdles and complexities in reaching SDG 13 and the Paris Agreement commitments. This lack of agreement among large economies raises worries about the collective effort required to tackle climate change and its possible consequences for disadvantaged people who are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues.

Despite the defeats at the G20 conference, SDG 13’s importance remains undiminished. Businesses may help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing in green infrastructure and implementing innovative solutions. Businesses can lead the way in climate action by aligning with the 1.5 degrees Celsius accord and adopting SDG 13 values, creating responsibility and accountability towards the Earth and its inhabitants. As the globe faces more environmental issues, coordinated action from corporations, 

governments, and communities is critical for reaching the SDG 13 and Paris Agreement targets.

This article explores how ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gases Verification at Organisational Level helped one of BBC’s logistic clients align with SDG 13 and prepare for their net zero mission.

SDG 13
Goal of SDG 13
Sustainable Business Strategies for SDG 13

“Climate Action,” SDG 13, is a key appeal to confront the urgent concerns of climate change via reduction, adaptation, and resilience-building initiatives. As a sustainability consultant, we recognise the need to embed climate action plans into company practices. The following are the five sustainable business practices that can assist businesses in effectively achieving SDG 13, producing a positive environmental impact, and demonstrating a commitment to climate action:

  1. Carbon Footprint Reduction: A key strategy in climate action is to measure, manage, and reduce carbon emissions. Businesses can conduct comprehensive carbon footprint analyses to identify emission sources throughout their activities and supply chain. Energy-efficient technology, renewable energy shifts, and responsible travel and transportation practices are effective approaches. Businesses can contribute to SDG 13 and tackle climate change by setting aggressive emission reduction objectives.
  2. Climate Risk Assessment and Adaptation: Businesses can identify possible vulnerabilities to risks associated with climate change by conducting climate risk assessments. Developing strong adaptation plans may assist businesses in responding proactively to changing climatic circumstances, assuring company continuity and resilience. Businesses can adapt and flourish in a rapidly changing environment by incorporating climate concerns into supply chain management, infrastructure planning, and disaster preparedness.
  3. Sustainable Innovation and Research: Investing in long-term innovation and research drives technology advances in climate action. Businesses can create green technology, environmentally friendly goods, and climate-resilient solutions. Collaborating with research institutes and stakeholders fosters sustainable practices, enabling industry growth and positive change.
  4. Carbon Offsetting and Carbon Neutrality: Carbon offsetting may be a helpful method for organisations with unavoidable emissions to attain carbon neutrality. Companies can invest in programmes like reforestation or renewable energy efforts that remove or reduce carbon dioxide from the environment. Achieving carbon neutrality shows a commitment to accepting responsibility for emissions and actively participating in global climate action.
  5. Setting Science-Based Targets: Businesses may adopt science-based objectives that are linked with the most recent climate research and the global aim of reducing warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels to address climate change successfully. Companies may connect their emissions reduction efforts with climate science by committing to SBTs, contributing to the larger global effort to combat climate change and achieve SDG 13.
Case Study: BBC Helps a Logistic Company in Malaysia to Contribute to SDG 13 and Moving Towards Net Zero by Implementing ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gases Verification at Organisation Level

Businesses are becoming more aware of the significance of attaining SDG 13 and net zero. However, achieving the goals is time and energy-consuming. Many businesses feel tremendous pressure from new laws and regulations and are confused about what to do and how to start the journey to achieve SDG 13 goals. At BBC, we help our clients achieve their goals by starting with easy steps, which provide clear and transparent guidelines for the journey towards SDG 13 and net zero. The case study below shows how we help one of our logistic companies to start their SDG13 and net zero journeys with ISO 14064-1:2018.


Malaysia’s logistics business is critical to promoting commerce and economic progress. On the other hand, Company G realised the need to address its environmental effect and connect its practices with Sustainable Development Goal 13, “Climate Action.” Company G sought the experience of BBC to guide them through the implementation of ISO 14064-1:2018, a standard specially developed to assist businesses in measuring, quantifying, and reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Company G experienced several significant hurdles on its journey to climate action and alignment with SDG 13:

  1. Insufficient Emission Data: Company G encountered considerable challenges due to a lack of comprehensive emission data. Setting realistic reduction targets and establishing successful climate change plans became challenging without precise and consistent data on carbon emissions. The lack of trustworthy data made it difficult to monitor environmental impact, follow progress, and evaluate the efficiency of applied solutions. Addressing this issue was critical to lay a firm basis for their climate action journey.
  2. Limited Awareness of ISO 14064-1:2018: Company G’s climate action initiatives were hampered by a lack of awareness of ISO 14064-1:2018. Employees and management needed to be aware of the advantages of estimating and reporting GHG emissions. Raising awareness has become critical to develop a climate-conscious society to achieve SDG 13 and the net zero mission.
  3. Complexity of Operations: As a member of the logistics business, Company G encountered inherent challenges in its day-to-day operations. Identifying and measuring emissions from various operations such as transportation, storage, supply chain management, and administrative tasks was difficult. These activities complicated data collecting and emission accounting. Overcoming this barrier required considerable efforts to ensure accurate and transparent emission accounting.
Source: Unsplash

Through the effective implementation of ISO 14064-1:2018, BBC’s complete strategy played a critical contribution in supporting Company G towards attaining Sustainable Development Goal 13 and net zero:

  1. GHG Emissions Baseline Assessment: Recognising the importance of reliable data, BBC meticulously assessed GreenTrans Logistics’ operations to develop a baseline for GHG emissions. This comprehensive evaluation included all facets of the company’s operations, including transportation, warehouse operations, administrative tasks, and more. By diving into each operational aspect, BBC ensured that no emission sources were ignored, offering a full grasp of the company’s carbon footprint.
  2. ISO 14064-1 Training and Capacity Building: BBC organised customised training sessions to create a climate-conscious culture at Company G. This interactive training introduced employees to the ideas, methodology, and reporting requirements of ISO 14064-1:2018. Employees better understood their role in reaching SDG 13 and contributing to the company’s path towards climate action.

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  1. Emission Quantification and Reporting: Using ISO 14064-1:2018 standards, BBC thoroughly measured emissions from multiple Company G sources, leaving no opportunity for ambiguity or inaccuracy. Extensive data gathering enabled accurate and open reporting of GHG emissions, laying the groundwork for the company’s sustainable practices and promoting stakeholder confidence
  2. Establish Targets and Develop an Action Plan: BBC worked with Company G to establish aggressive yet achievable emission reduction targets linked with SDG 13 and net zero goals. These goals took into account the company’s operating issues and prospects. With the targets established, both parties devised a tailored action plan describing precise actions to meet the reduction objectives.
  3. Smart Energy Management System with Real-Time Data Monitoring: Using sophisticated sensors, smart metres, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the cutting-edge system records real-time energy data with astonishing precision. This complete perspective of energy use provides rapid insights to Company G, allowing for a deep knowledge of energy-intensive activities and identifying potential for increasing efficiency, setting the framework for a greener and more sustainable future.

Check out more about Smart Energy Management System >>


Company G’ engagement with BBC resulted in a variety of significant, moving the business towards a greener and more sustainable future:

  1. Transparent Carbon Reporting: Company G obtained ISO 14064-1:2018 certification and verification with the help of BBC, showcasing its commitment to transparency and responsibility in reporting carbon emissions. This certification strengthens the company’s position as a responsible logistics supplier, attracting stakeholders like consumers, investors, and regulators who value environmental responsibility.
  2. Emission Reduction: Company G successfully reduced emissions through its action plan with BBC, aligning with SDG 13 and Malaysia’s climate action ambitions. This achievement demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainability and its ability to translate climate goals into practical outcomes, motivating other firms to align with global climate objectives.
  3. Cost Savings and Efficiency: Company G benefits from sustainable practices, enhancing profitability and environmental impact. Process optimisation leads to cost reductions, financial stability, and long-term investment motivation. Besides, Company G supports Malaysia’s low-carbon economy by operating resource-efficiently, supporting economic growth while minimising environmental impact.
  4. Enhanced Stakeholder Trust: Company G’s commitment to climate change, demonstrated through its work with BBC, has gained recognition from stakeholders. By reducing emissions, ISO 14064-1:2018 accreditation, and transparent carbon reporting, the company demonstrates good corporate citizenship, boosting trust and confidence, leading to better connections and increased loyalty among environmentally conscious clients and partners.

Finally, Sustainable Development Goal 13, “Climate Action,” is an important worldwide endeavour to tackle the grave concerns of climate change. As climate change continues to have far-reaching consequences, the importance of SDG 13 in promoting responsible and environmentally sustainable development has never been greater. The objective emphasises sustainable practises to limit the impact of urbanisation, provide social inclusion, and maintain environmental harmony. Adopting SDG 13 measures helps to reduce disparities and promote a more equitable and resilient world, especially for vulnerable people affected by climate change. 

The case study exemplifies how implementing ISO 14064-1:2018, Greenhouse Gases Verification at Organisation Level standard, helps Company G kickstart their Climate action initiative and move towards net zero with small steps. The standards set a clear guideline for the business to make progressive action towards SDG 13 while adopting innovative green technologies to mitigate operational risks and pave the way for low-carbon and climate-resilient solutions. 

Learn more about ISO 14064-1:2018

BBC comprises a team of passionate practitioners implementing solutions for sustainability. Our consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in ESG and Sustainability, helping you to solve your problems with sustainable innovative solutions such as smart energy management system. Download our latest free eBook: The 101 ESG Guide and the Future of ESG, to learn what ESG is, how ESG is impacting businesses, and how to integrate ESG into your business strategy. 


  1. Goal 13 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Case Study : SDG 13 Climate Action