About BBC

BBC was founded to create an alternative. We help businesses and organisations gain clarity to create sustainable innovative solutions that lead to transformational business opportunities.

Our belief

Every idea starts with a problem. How can a business go green and remain profitable? We believe that sustainable solutions should be simple. It should take a no-brainer approach that anyone can accomplish. There’s this sentiment among big businesses that sustainability hinders profitability. Here at BBC, we beg to disagree. There are vast ways to operate a profitable business without negatively impacting the environment. 

An Innovation-driven Consulting Firm

Our founder discovered his love and passion for sustainability when he volunteered at a tree planting event. It sparked his obsession with nature and drove him to be more aware of creative projects in university and nonprofit organisations. It took him more than 10 years to discover how to create an incredible impact by merging sustainability and entrepreneurship.

Since our company launched in 2017, we have pioneered ideas, designed solutions, and developed technologies that address clients’ unique issues. We start to reimagine everything that a company and industry can be. We want to demonstrate that a business can scale, be profitable, and do good in the world—without charging a premium for it. It takes creativity, empathy, and innovation to achieve that goal.

Our Mission

To inspire and nurture the human consciousness – one person, one solution, and one community at a time. 

Our Vision

Treat everyone like family because they will let you into their lives, and unity holds the key to a sustainable family. 

Our Values

  1. Creating a culture of oneness where everyone is treated like part of our family. 
  2. Acting with courage, challenging the norm, and finding creative ways to grow. 
  3. Delivering our very best as human beings and holding ourselves accountable for the results. 

We are Practitioners

BBC comprises a team of passionate practitioners implementing solutions for sustainability. We are engineers, green building consultants, IT experts, creative entrepreneurs who believe that the most productive way to combat climate change is through sustainable innovative solutions. Hence, we provide operational and reliable solutions services to transform your businesses to be sustainable in long-term.

Expert team

Our team members come from various backgrounds and areas of expertise. We are all passionate about creating sustainable solutions for our mother earth and people.

A trustable partner

We walk our talk, and we value all feedback from our clients and partners for improvement.

We challenge the norms for the best

Helping clients gain clarity about sustainability is our priority. We strive for the best solutions to solve our clients' problems.


Our Partners

To foster innovation and a culture of unity for sustainability, BBC collaborates and partners with organisations and talents who walk their talk and have the same aligned values as us.