SDG 11 Case Study: Green Building and Smart Energy Management Solutions to Build Sustainable Cities

SDG 11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities,” strives to establish inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements. It recognises the urgent difficulties that cities worldwide confront and attempts to overcome them through sustainable development. Urbanisation is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, with far-reaching consequences for cities and communities. For cities to accommodate this growth while upholding social inclusion, safety, and environmental balance, SDG 11 emphasises the need for sustainable solutions.

To accomplish SDG 11, investing in sustainable infrastructure, emphasising innovation and research, and implementing inclusive and sustainable industrial practices is critical. By doing this, we can lessen inequality, encourage efficient resource utilisation, and support the eradication of poverty and community well-being. Collaboration among governments, corporations, and civil society is critical for creating an interconnected world prioritising economic development, environmental conservation, and social progress.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of SDG 11 and explore five sustainable business strategies that can help businesses align with this goal. We will also showcase how BBC helped a real estate development company to achieve SDG 11 through sustainable, innovative solutions for green building. 

SDG 11
Goal of SDG 11
Sustainable Business Strategies for SDG 11

Businesses that actively embrace sustainable business strategies can make a substantial contribution to the achievement of SDG 11. The SDG 11 goal is to build sustainable cities and communities, balancing urbanisation with environmental protection, social equity, and economic development. Companies may positively affect SDG 11 while fostering innovation, positive change, and the creation of sustainable and inclusive societies by implementing the five sustainable business methods below:

  1. Promoting Sustainable Urban Planning: Businesses can take a proactive role in supporting SDG 11 by promoting sustainable urban planning strategies that put mixed-use development, the development of bike- and walkable-friendly areas, and the preservation of open spaces as top priorities. Businesses have a critical role in promoting the growth of ecologically benign, socially inclusive, and economically vibrant cities by supporting sustainable urban planning.
  2. Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Businesses can create a cleaner, more sustainable urban environment by investing in renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient practices. This entails implementing energy-efficient systems, integrating renewable energy technologies into buildings, and promoting the use of clean energy. Businesses play a critical role in building cleaner, more sustainable cities by lowering their carbon footprint and supporting sustainable energy options.
  3. Advancing Sustainable Transport Solutions: Promoting sustainable transportation solutions is crucial; businesses play a significant role in this endeavour. This can be achieved by developing robust public transit networks, adopting electric and hybrid vehicles, and implementing traffic-calming measures. By offering sustainable transport alternatives, businesses reduce air pollution, alleviate traffic congestion, and improve accessibility within cities.
  4. Implementing Green Building Practices: Adopting green building practices is a valuable contribution businesses can make towards SDG 11. This entails using sustainable materials, optimising energy and water usage, and integrating renewable energy technologies into building designs. By constructing and operating green buildings, businesses actively promote resource efficiency, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and foster healthier indoor environments.
  5. Adopting and implementing Circular Economy: Businesses can actively reduce waste production and resource depletion by implementing the ideas of the circular economy. They can accomplish this by adopting behaviours like lowering waste levels, extending the useful lives of products, embracing cooperative consumption paradigms, and encouraging the creation of infrastructure for the circular economy. These activities encourage sustainable urban growth and resource efficiency.
Case Study: BBC’s solutions in green building and smart energy management system helped a real estate development company to achieve SDG 11 in Malaysia

With our core of sustainable, innovative solutions, BBC was a consultant and solution provider to a real estate development company to help them achieve Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) – Sustainable Cities and Communities. The project was a green building project with a smart energy management system. It exemplifies the successful integration of sustainable practices and technology to achieve SDG 11.


A Malaysian real estate development company hired BBC to help them realise their idea of establishing an environmentally sustainable commercial complex. The goal was to construct a showcase project that adheres to green building principles to optimise energy usage, promote sustainability and create a showcase of sustainable practices that contribute to SDG 11.


The project encountered various hurdles, including stakeholder participation, technological complications, and cost-effectiveness. BBC needed to properly articulate the long-term benefits of sustainable practices to achieve stakeholder buy-in. Additionally, integrating a smart energy management system and coordinating various technologies required expertise and careful planning to ensure seamless operations and optimisation.


To address the issues and meet sustainability objectives, BBC used an integrated approach that included green building design concepts and a smart energy management system. The critical components of the solution were:

  1. Sustainable Building Design: BBC worked with architects and engineers to create an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly structure. The use of energy-efficient appliances, sustainable building materials such as glazed windows, and optimising natural lighting and ventilation were all part of this.
  2. Renewable Energy and solutions Integration: The project used renewable energy sources like solar energy to generate clean energy on-site. Besides, BBC also introduced glazed windows to help regulate the building’s temperature.
  3. Smart Energy Management System: BBC created a smart energy management system with the Internet of Things (IoT) that combined advanced sensors, data analytics, and automation. Real-time energy use monitoring and management enabled intelligent energy optimisation, identifying potential for energy savings and detecting anomalies.
  4. Monitoring and Reporting: BBC curated a framework for monitoring and reporting environmental performance, carbon emissions, and energy use. The data gathered allowed ongoing improvement and revealed information about the building’s energy efficiency.
  5. Training and Workshop: BBC held workshops and training sessions for building occupants, facility managers, and maintenance personnel to create awareness about sustainable practices and the use of the smart energy management system. 
Our solution: Glazed windows to regulate building temperature

The implementation of a green building with a smart energy management system resulted in significant positive impacts, both for the client and the environment:

  1. Energy Efficiency: The building achieved considerable energy savings compared to typical structures of comparable size and purpose. The smart energy management system optimised energy use, lowering energy expenses and increasing operational efficiency.
  2. Carbon Emission Reduction: The building drastically decreased carbon emissions by combining renewable energy sources, optimising energy efficiency and continuous monitoring and reporting practices. This supported SDG 13 (Climate Action) and helped to mitigate climate change.
  3. Improved Indoor Environment: The sustainable building design, which included improved natural lighting and ventilation, resulted in a healthier and more comfortable indoor atmosphere.
  4. Cost Savings: Incorporating renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies resulted in long-term cost benefits for the company, as energy consumption and operational expenses dramatically decreased.
  5. Leadership and Reputation: As a result of the project, the real estate development company improved their reputation, which opened up new opportunities and motivated other companies to follow sustainable practices.

In conclusion, Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11), “Sustainable Cities and Communities,” is essential for fostering inclusive, secure, resilient, and sustainable urban ecosystems. We can build cities prioritising environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic growth by investing in robust infrastructure, sustainable urban design, and inclusive community development.

SDG 11 emphasises infrastructure, business, and innovation’s importance to sustainable development. Establishing a world where economic growth, environmental protection, and social advancement are intertwined calls for cooperation among governments, enterprises, civil society, and stakeholders. We create the foundation for a sustainable and resilient future for future generations by embracing sustainable behaviours, advocating inclusive urban planning, and utilising creative solutions.

The case study given in this article demonstrates how green building design and the incorporation of smart energy management systems into real estate development can successfully apply SDG 11 concepts. The project achieved impressive energy savings, decreased carbon emissions, improved indoor conditions, and provided cost savings by integrating sustainable building design concepts and a smart energy management system. This case study offers motivation for constructing sustainable infrastructure in the future to overcome urbanisation issues and advance SDG 11.



  1. Goal 11 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Case Study : SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities