ESG and Sustainability Workshop

Learn about ESG and sustainability or improve the awareness about sustainability in your organisation. We customise the workshop for you to ensure it is fun, relevant and practical for your organisational growth. 

Why Is ESG and Sustainability Important?

The global investment and corporate sectors have recognised that companies benefiting society also excel in business. Once optional, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes are now required due to investor, consumer, and employee demands for strong ESG performance. Contributing to society and the environment is no longer an option but a necessity. ESG frameworks improve transparency, objectivity, and accountability; however, diverse frameworks, varying reporting standards, and the expanding ESG landscape create complexity and uncertainty.

Our ESG and Sustainability Workshop thoroughly examines ESG and sustainability reporting, stakeholder engagement, and emerging global trends like greenwashing and carbon pricing. This workshop is suitable for all, no matter you are an experienced sustainability practitioner or new to the area. This workshop will help you understand ESG, navigate the confusing world of ESG, and lead your business in developing a high-impact ESG programme.

Our Topics

The Evolvement of ESG and Sustainability 

  • What is ESG and sustainability
  • CSR vs ESG
  • Driving forces of ESG and sustainability
  • Rationale for ESG and sustainability

How to Effectively Communicate ESG and Sustainability

  • Stakeholders engagement
  • Demystifying ESG and sustainability reporting
  • Case studies – dos and don’ts of ESG and sustainability communication

What’s Next – the Future of ESG and Sustainability

  • The importance of due diligence and greenwashing
  • Focus on real impact
  • Carbon pricing 

*This topic outline is for reference purposes. Talk to us to customise your workshop to fit your needs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  1. Explain what is ESG and sustainability 
  2. Describe the forces driving adoption of ESG and sustainability
  3. Recognise the good and bad practices in communicating ESG and sustainability
  4. Apply ESG and sustainability reporting practices in your organisation  
  5. Identify the key trends in ESG and sustainability

Our Workshop Approach


We customise our workshop to tailor our clients’ needs.  

Absolutely. Whether you’re new to sustainability or an experienced practitioner, this workshop offers valuable insights for all levels of expertise.

Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of ESG concepts, learn practical strategies for implementation, and stay updated on the latest global sustainability trends, equipping them to drive positive change within their organisations.

Yes, the workshop includes interactive sessions, case studies, and group activities to enhance engagement and facilitate active learning.

Yes, this workshop is 100% HRDC claimable. We will provide you with relevant documents for grant application and claiming purpose upon your registration.

About the Trainer

Ng Jia Xin  is our ESG and sustainability consultant and a HRDCorp-certified trainer. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, and has years of practical working experience with publicly listed companies. Her expertise lies in global sustainability reporting frameworks and standards (i.e. GRI, SASB, TCFD, GHG Protocol, and UNSDGs), securities exchange listing requirements on ESG (i.e. Bursa Malaysia), sustainability indices and ratings (i.e. S&P Global DJSI, Bloomberg GEI, CDP, FTSE4Good, EcoVadis, MSCI, Sustainalytics and SPOTT), materiality assessment, sustainability key performance indicators and targets, sustainability policy and procedure, and ESG training.


"Good experience of critical thinking journey session & adequate sharing information on sustainability knowledge. kudos to the presenter/speaker!!"
Esmadi Mohd Sanusi
CFO at Intensive Energy Sdn. Bhd.
"The session was very insightful with the generous amount of experience and knowledge shared by our humbled speaker. It was a very great session where we had to refresh our knowledge."
Aida Zainal
Health, Safety and Environment Consultant
"Had a great opportunity to engage with Bernard and Jia Xin as trainers of ESG and Sustainability Workshop. It was an interactive session, and I did learn a lot throughout the session, thank you and all the best!"
Jia Shin Ng
Executive, Strategy & Business Development

Past Workshops

Upcoming Workshops

Public Workshop – ESG and Sustainability (Language: Mandarin)

Date: 21 March 2024, Thursday

Time: 1.00pm to 5.00pm 

Location: WeWork, Equatorial Plaza, Kuala Lumpur