BBC helps businesses in achieving net zero emissions by providing expertise and guidance on implementing ISO 14064-1, a standard for greenhouse gas accounting and verification. BBC supports businesses through GHG assessments, developing GHG reduction strategies, and creating GHG emissions reports.
What is ISO 14064-1?
ISO 14064 is the first chapter of the multi-series on GHGs ISO standards. ISO 14064-1:2018 is a document that specifies principles, and requirements at the organisational level for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. It includes requirements for the design, development, management, reporting, and verification of an organisation’s GHG inventory.
To ensure GHG-related information is accurate and reliable, it considers several principles including relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy, and transparency. The process involves identifying greenhouse gas sources and sinks, calculating emissions and removals, assessing mitigation activities, and considering other relevant factors.
Why is ISO 14064-1 important?
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere and facilitate mitigation and adaptation of climate change, the public and private sectors are developing and implementing international, regional, national, and local initiatives. ISO 14064-1:2018 provides clarity and consistency to support sustainable development through a low-carbon economy, benefiting organisations, project proponents, and stakeholders worldwide. The documents will also help organisations to:
- Improve corporate image and reputation by demonstrating environmental responsibility.
- Increase financial performance through cost savings during the independent verification by our in-house professional engineers, which primarily focuses on inefficiency and improves overall process performance.
- Prepare the organisation and top management for future greenhouse gas emissions legislative limitations.
- Build trust with customers who care about the environmental impact.
Our ISO 14064-1 Framework
Our Clients’ Success
Logistic company Z in Malaysia was working to reduce its organisational GHG emissions to enhance its ESG rating. The company lacked a system or practice for collecting GHG emissions data and had limited understanding of Scopes 1, 2, and 3. To solve these problems, BBC implemented a framework based on ISO 14064-1:2018 standard requirements, enabling the company to easily establish a data collection system for quantifying GHG emissions. The company successfully implemented the practice, quantified its GHG emissions, and achieved successful reporting and cost analysis. As a result, the company is now ISO certified and its ESG rating has improved by 50% through annual auditing. Additionally, by adhering to consistent standard practices and continual process improvement, the organisation reduced operational costs by 25%.